Effective Date: April 9, 2024

Our commitment to respecting internationally recognized labor and human rights standards

At Technimark, we responsibly design and manufacture innovative solutions that enhance and improve life. We adhere to the principles of honesty, integrity, quality, dependability and safety for our stakeholders, and always let our actions speak louder than our words. Our values of excellence, respect, service and positivity are the foundation of our sustainable business.


Respect for human rights is fundamental to our mission and long-held belief that, as a company, we should strive to move past “doing no harm” to also becoming a force for good. Technimark is committed to ensuring all people are treated with dignity and respect and supporting their fundamental rights at work. We are committed to identifying, preventing and remediating adverse human rights impacts that result from or are caused by our business activities and complying with the laws of the countries in which we do business.

The Technimark Code of Conduct provides the ethical and behavioral framework to guide our employees in everyday business decisions. This Global Human Rights Policy builds upon our Code and is based on international human rights principles encompassed in the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the United Nations Global Compact and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.


It is both a business and moral imperative to ensure that human rights are upheld across our operations and supply chain. This Global Human Rights Policy extends to all employees of Technimark and its affiliated companies. Our Code of Conduct, Courtesy and Respect Policy, Social Responsibility Policy, General Work Policy, Workplace Violence Prevention Policy and Equal Employment Opportunity Policy reinforce our commitment. Consultants, contractors, subcontractors, agents, suppliers, and temporary employees who serve as an extension of Technimark are also expected to act in accordance with our commitment, as well as any applicable contractual provisions. Our Global Supplier Standards make clear our expectations for suppliers.

Human Rights Focus

Technimark respects all internationally recognized human rights, and we operate our business with the following principles:

Respecting the Dignity and Diversity of All People

Technimark is passionate about our people, and we are committed to a work environment that supports and celebrates diversity. Our colleagues, applicants, and business partners are entitled to respect. We are committed to ensuring they feel welcomed and valued and giving them opportunities to grow, contribute, and develop. Technimark supports laws prohibiting discrimination and provides equal opportunity for employment, income, and advancement. This means we base employment decisions solely on qualifications, demonstrated skills, and achievements – and never on gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), genetic information, nationality, citizenship, veteran status, political opinion, social or ethnic origin, or any other legally protected category.

Harassment based on these factors, including sexual, physical, psychological, verbal, or any other form of abuse, is not tolerated. Technimark’s commitment is to treat everyone fairly and maintain a work environment free of bias and retaliation. We require the same commitment from our suppliers. Our goal is to train 100 percent of Technimark associates annually in anti-discrimination and harassment to further our commitment to respecting the dignity and diversity of all people.

No Forced Labor or Human Trafficking

Technimark prohibits the use of all forms of forced or compulsory labor including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, and all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking.

As communicated in our Global Supplier Standards, we also prohibit such practices in our global supply chain, ensuring that:

  • No worker pays for their job;
  • Workers receive a timely refund of fees and costs paid to obtain or maintain their job;
  • Workers have control of their travel documents and full freedom of movement; and
  • All workers are informed, in a language they understand, of the basic terms of their employment before leaving their country of origin.

No Child Labor

Neither Technimark nor its suppliers will employ any persons younger than 16 years of age, or the age specified by local law, whichever is higher. It is Technimark’s policy that it will not knowingly do business with suppliers that illegally or improperly employ underage workers.

External Stakeholder Engagement and Human Rights

Technimark respects the rights of local communities and is committed to engaging with relevant stakeholders to consider their views on human rights issues. We respect the ownership rights of external stakeholders to property/land; their rights to self-determination (which is the right to

freely determine their political affiliation and freely pursue their economic, cultural and social development); their right to determine their own destiny; and their rights to their own safety and security.

Fair Labor Practices

All Technimark employment practices are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those concerning hours, compensation, opportunity and working conditions.

Safe and Healthy Workplace

Technimark is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment and complying with applicable safety and health laws, regulations and our own internal requirements. We prohibit the use of mental or physical disciplinary practices and take proactive measures to minimize the risk of accidents, injury and exposure to health risks. Technimark values the importance of prompt identification and remediation of health and safety issues. Our goal is a workplace free from accidents, injury and exposure to health risks. Workplace violence is not tolerated, and all threats are taken seriously. We depend on every employee to help maintain a positive environment by using care in their interactions and staying alert for potential violence.

Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

Technimark respects the right of our employees, and those of our suppliers, to join, form (or not join or form) a labor union. We protect the free exercise of those rights without fear of reprisal of any kind. When employees are represented by a union, we are committed to establishing a constructive dialogue with their freely chosen representatives and to bargaining collectively in good faith with them.

Guidance and Reporting Opportunities

At Technimark, open and honest communication is valued and respected. We are committed to investigating, addressing and responding to any human rights concerns raised and taking appropriate corrective action. If an employee believes someone is violating our Code, our human rights commitment or the law, they should raise concerns immediately to their supervisor or manager. The independent and confidential Lighthouse Hotline, located at (together with other reporting channels identified in our publicly available Code of Conduct) are the grievance mechanisms available to all employees and business partners. We will not tolerate retaliation or reprisal against any human rights defenders, and we expect the same from our suppliers.

Governance and Commitment to Ongoing Due Diligence

Technimark’s Chief Executive Officer and executive leadership team have ultimate oversight of human rights. Technimark’s Chief People Officer, General Counsel and Corporate Vice President, ESG, are responsible for administering and amending this policy. Human rights due diligence is a continuous process, and the Code of Conduct and Global Human Rights Policy will be supplemented as needed to address any new areas of vulnerability. Technimark uses policies, training and development programs, monitoring and reporting systems and audits to ensure compliance. 


Code of Conduct

Global Supplier Standards

Courtesy and Respect Policy

Social Responsibility Policy

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

General Work Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy