Technimark’s Gary Schiller was recently named as winner of RJG’s Training Excellence Award, a special honor that recognizes commitment to the RJG Master MolderSM Certification program. He was one of only three to receive the award.
Gary Schiller is our Master Molder III “Train the Trainer” where he provides our in-house training. Technimark currently has 6 people certified as Master Molder II, 10 people certified as Master Molder I, and we have trained 54 people in Systematic Molding. Gary will have trained 100 people in the company by the end of the first quarter of next year.
“I think it is great that Technimark has given him the opportunity and support to train the Systematic Molding and Master Molder I classes. We have heard only positive feedback on what he has been doing with close to 100 people,” said Bruce Winslow, director of Global Operations Molding & Technology. “It is going to impact us greatly in the future, building our people and creating a new processing culture.”
RJG Master Molding training has helped Technimark as a company to commit and dedicate training on systematic molding and standardizing processing methodology on a global scale. Gary received the RJG Training Excellence Award at the MAPP Benchmarking and Best Practices Conference in Indianapolis for his great work and dedication to injection molding.
RJG, an acknowledged international leader in injection molding training, technology and resources, developed the Master Molder program to bridge the gap between classroom instruction and implementation on the production floor.
The award was presented in October at the MAPP (Manufacturers Association For Plastics Processors) Benchmarking Conference in Indianapolis.