COVID-19 (Coronavirus) North America Employee Guidelines
April 9, 2020: Wearing masks at work – Mandatory as of 4/14/2020
We will start a pilot test – making masks mandatory in Asheboro as of today.,/p>
Disposable masks will be available to each employee to use if necessary. The allowance is one per day, but if your disposable mask gets dirty or contaminated it should be replaced. Please see a supervisor or HR. These will be available as long as we can secure them.
The CDC recommends that cloth face covers are utilized in public settings. As such, each employee may make and use cloth face covers according to the CDC guidelines. For reference, there is a video on-line by the Surgeon General teaching Americans how to make simple homemade cloth masks. Anyone who brings their own cloth face covering should recycle and wash them daily until the CDC’s recommendation changes. If you have any trouble adjusting to the use of a mask or cloth face covering, please see your supervisor, HR team or Safety Department representative for support.April 9, 2020: Technimark will cover 100% of all testing and treatment of COVID-19 for our U.S. employees and eligible dependents who are enrolled in our health insurance plan.
- • 100% of all testing and treatment costs for COVID-19 will be covered–this includes all coinsurance and copay costs for medical treatments.
- U.S. employees and eligible dependents who are enrolled in our health insurance plan qualify for this program.
- These changes cover all coronavirus-related medical costs from January 1, 2020, for employees that enrolled in Q1 2020.
- This program will remain in place until further notice.
If a Federal, State, County or Municipality imposes a mandatory “shelter-in-place” or similar type order.
For employees with jobs which require presence at Technimark to keep our lines running, you will be given a letter to keep with you for the purpose of travelling back and forth from your work to home. Use this letter in the event that a law enforcement officer requires it. Officers may ask for this letter along with your employee ID badge.
Many of the products Technimark manufactures are considered lifesaving, critical for care, or necessary for people to keep themselves and their environments clean and healthy. These parts & products are especially important in the current crisis.
For these reasons and per the Department of Homeland Security guidelines, Technimark qualifies as a “critical infrastructure” business in the US, which means our facilities are approved to remain in business and expected to continue production during this unprecedented event. It is our responsibility to maintain the flow of high-quality, essential products to consumers, hospitals and medical professional around the world.
Guiding Principles and Purpose
Caring for our employees and our customers is our top priority. This policy is enacted based on the response to COVID-19 Coronavirus, to be refreshed and modified during this international health pandemic.
The Managing Directors & Sr. level managers at each location have the responsibility and authority to adjust from this policy based on the guidance they receive from local or state government health officials. Any such deviations should be communicated immediately to the Sr. Director of U.S. Ops & Global Ops Strategy who will advise the CLT
Threat Levels
- Technimark (TM) adopts three threat levels that we will communicate and operate under for each Operating Location Individually:
- YELLOW – Global or significant regional threat but not close to Technimark facilities (estimated > 1 hour away or more)
- ORANGE – Threat exists in close proximity to Technimark facilities (estimated
- RED – Technimark has experienced cases of the virus in our facilities or within an employee’s homes
- Technimark (TM) adopts three threat levels that we will communicate and operate under for each Operating Location Individually:
- YELLOW – Global or significant regional threat but not close to Technimark facilities (estimated > 1 hour away or more)
- ORANGE – Threat exists in close proximity to Technimark facilities (estimated <one hour away)
- RED – Technimark has experienced cases of the virus in our facilities or within an employee’s homes
- Technimark will publish for each facility when the threat level changes.
- When the threat level escalates, all actions from the prior level are maintained in addition to new processes and best practices being added.
- We have a responsibility to each other to stay calm and level-headed.
- If you have questions or concerns, please first ask your Supervisor, Manager and local HR personnel. If you still have concerns you may contact the Coronavirus Leadership Team at and we will respond. Include your Name, Plant, & Shift so we can respond effectively.
- Some common Questions & Answers are below. This will be updated periodically.
- Learn the signs and symptoms and what to do if an employee becomes symptomatic in workplace
- This action is assigned to the Asheboro Safety Manager and the Shift Supervisors and each individual has a personal responsibility as well.
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms: fever >100.4 or coughing or shortness of breath, do not come to work, seek guidance by calling your health care provider.
- If you develop these symptoms at work, notify your supervisor immediately while being respectful by distancing yourself from others. You will be asked to leave work & call your health provider for guidance. A list of prevention steps you should take will be available to you.
- You will be asked to not return to work until symptoms are free of fever and acute respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath) until: (Updated 3-25-2020 Based on new CDC guidelines):
- You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use medicine that reduces fevers) AND
- other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved) AND
- at least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared
- There will be a self-assessment and a temperature screening may be conducted at time of your return.
- If an employee leaves the workplace with symptoms, the following process will take place: using proper cleaning and/or disinfecting PPE, techniques and materials, the areas that were touched frequently by that employee should be cleaned and disinfected by an employee or contractor who is trained in proper use of materials and PPE. (See Detailed Power Point for info on PPE and correct cleaning methods to complete at each threat level).
- If an employee is symptomatic for COVID-19, their supervisor must report that information to the HR department for further action, including reporting as may be required by laws or instructions from Health Authorities.
- Review, update plans for leaves of absence, absenteeism and interruptions
- Each facility will develop an attendance plan based on their regional guidelines. Each plan – which will stay in effect until TM communicates a return to normal attendance policy monitoring in each region – will at minimum not penalize an employee for attendance discipline for:
- Leaving work early due to COVID-19 symptoms*
- Missing work for having COVID-19 symptoms*
- Being late to work due to having COVID-19 symptoms*
- Missing work due to COVID-19 in the household AND a Risk Assessment defined as High Risk or Medium risk
- * in each of the circumstances above, the employee is expected to keep their supervisor informed of status; to seek health care advice immediately by calling their healthcare provider; and upon return to work, requested to provide a release from their health care provider which: a. permits them to return to work; b. signs off on duration of the absence and c. shows the dates of care. Note that the doctor’s note is not mandatory at this time based on CDC guidance.
- Upon return, the assessment referenced in 2.d. will be completed.
- If the guidelines in v. and vi.) above are not followed, then attendance discipline (points in Asheboro) will be incurred.
- Each Site Director is to adopt the contingency plan format provided by the Sr. Dir of US Ops and Global Ops Strategy. These Business Continuity Plans (BCP’s) should be submitted to him for review & feedback by 3/20. The required format and min. components will be shared this week.
- Each Purchasing or Sourcing Manager and Director is responsible to the Sr VP of Procurement for studying supply chains in depth to manage supply issues during this threat level, reporting any issues which are forecasted to require mitigation with any customer or supplier. Those follow-ups are managed individually with each customer’s Technimark Account Manager. The Sr. VP of Procurement is the responsible member of the CLT for reporting and guiding resolution for supply chain issues that may arise.
- Financial assistance for employees is being implemented or contemplated by governments in most regions where TM has operations. Each region will provide individualized information to employees based on their country’s government guidelines.
- Each facility will develop an attendance plan based on their regional guidelines. Each plan – which will stay in effect until TM communicates a return to normal attendance policy monitoring in each region – will at minimum not penalize an employee for attendance discipline for:
- Review and update plans for potential telecommuting
- The Corp IT Director is responsible for this topic. Plans are finalized and communicated to team members who could complete most job duties from their homes if this becomes a requirement. (complete 3-16-2020 for U.S.)
- These plans impact: IT, Customer Service, Finance, Design Center, and other Administrative roles. Communication was sent to approx. 200 employees in the U.S. that potentially fit into this category on 3-16-2020.
- Encourage personal protective measures among staff: Staying home when sick, especially with COVID-19 symptoms; using proper and frequent hand-washing methods and using good manners when sneezing and coughing.
- Following this guideline is the responsibility of each shift or department supervisor AND each of us individually.
- When reminding each other of these guidelines, do so with respect.
- Clean frequently touched surfaces every 4-8 hours.
- Follow attached guidelines for when to clean and when to also disinfect
- For shift working team members, the cleaning (and disinfecting if required) for frequently touched surfaces should happen always at the beginning, middle, and end of each shift.
- Ensure hygiene supplies are readily available in each building
- Assuring that the correct supplies are available is the responsibility of:
- The local Safety Manager for knowing what supplies are needed;
- The local sourcing and MRO teams for procuring; and
- The Corp Sourcing Team for helping teams resolve any problems.
- Placement of hand sanitizers must be throughout each plant, but at minimum, they should be at entrances, breakrooms, and washrooms.
- In addition, approved disposable wipes and disinfectant sprays should be available for use in readily accessible locations. No-touch tissue dispensers are recommended. If necessary, for each operation, establish stations for these items and manage them following 5S protocols. This is the responsibility of each Plant/Ops Manager to establish.
- Assuring that the correct supplies are available is the responsibility of:
- Implement telecommuting when possible and limit large group functions
- Implement social distancing by increasing physical space between workers on the worksite, staggering work schedules where practical, and decreasing social contacts in the work-place
- Limiting person-to-person meetings and lunch meetings,
- Maintain respectful (6’) distances when speaking to co-workers, and
- For multi-operator jobs, work with your supervisor to develop working techniques that create space between team members wherever possible.
- Start regular health checks, temperature and respiratory symptom screening at the beginning of each shift
- Supplies for conducting these screenings and conducting them at the beginning of each shift is the coordinated responsibility of the plant Safety Manager, HR team and Supervisor to assign.
- Employees should self-monitor their household for symptoms. If any TM employee has come into contact with a sick family member with COVID-19 symptoms, they should self-quarantine themselves, call their medical provider or Health Department for instructions and report the matter to their supervisor.
- You will be asked to complete a risk evaluation and a health assessment prior to reentering TM.
- Implement extensive mandatory telecommuting for all feasible employees
- Cancel all nonessential work travel & all work sponsored events/trade shows
- If an employee is confirmed to have COVID-19, as the employer, Technimark is responsible for informing fellow team members who worked in close proximity of the possible exposure and perform a risk assessment to determine the likelihood of exposure and the next steps. We will also notify the local Health Department of the case and our actions taken.
- Further steps will be developed with guidance from the Government if any locations where Technimark does business are classified as locations experiencing “Community Spread” of this virus.
- At any threat level, in addition to travel restrictions recommended by the U.S. Gov’t, the following policy applies to our employees:
- No travel to/from any Asia or European locations
- Other international and domestic trips approved by CLT
- No mandatory air travel required for those who decline this mode of travel.
- For visitors to our facilities, Technimark is publishing visitation guidelines, greatly reducing inbound travel to our facilities and subjecting visitors to self-assessment questionnaire and potentially temperature screenings in order to grant access to our facilities. Standard takes effect on 3/18/20.
- Procedures are being established by our Distribution Center to immediately control interfaces between drivers and our personnel. These are the responsibility of Asheboro’s Corp Distribution Manager, who is also responsible for communicating protocols implemented in Asheboro to all global facilities by 3-18-2020. Each facility is expected to immediately adopt similar protocols based on their business/docking circumstances.
- CDC published information shares that individuals who are older or who have either heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease are at heightened risks of getting very sick from this virus. We encourage employees who have any of those conditions to seek guidance from their health provider or the local Health Department. The CDC website also shares other precautions that should be taken.
- People with COVID-19 who have stayed home (home isolated) can stop home isolation under the following conditions:
- If you will not have a test to determine if you are still contagious, you can leave home after these three things have happened:
- You have had no fever for at least 72 hours (that is three full days of no fever without the use medicine that reduces fevers) AND
- other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved) AND
- at least 7 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared
- If you will be tested to determine if you are still contagious, you can leave home after these three things have happened:
- You no longer have a fever (without the use medicine that reduces fevers) AND
- other symptoms have improved (for example, when your cough or shortness of breath have improved) AND
- you received two negative tests in a row, 24 hours apart. Your doctor will follow CDC guidelines.
- Coughing and sneezing,
- Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands, and
- “Close personal contact”, such as touching or shaking hands.
- Living in a city or town where there are one or more confirmed cases of novel coronavirus (although this does increase the risk of exposure).
- Being in the same school, church, workplace or building as a person with the virus. Exception: Close contact with a symptomatic person, such as sitting within 6 feet of them for more than 10 minutes.
- Walking by a person who has novel coronavirus.
- Those who have become ill within 14 days of travel to areas in the U.S. unless they have been in contact with a known case or cluster of cases, and
- Those without symptoms or who do not have a link to an affected region or person within 14 days.
- Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Wash hands after getting home or touching door knobs, railings, grocery store carts, gas pumps, bathroom fixtures and other public surfaces.
- Don’t touch your face, including your mouth, eyes or nose.
- Use household cleaning sprays or wipes to clean “high-touch” surfaces at home, like kitchen counters, tabletops, toilets and phones.
- Clean your cell phone regularly with a disinfecting wipe.
- If you have traveled outside the U.S. recently and are sick with cold or flu-like symptoms, call your doctor and tell them your symptoms and where you traveled.
- Stay home except to get medical care. People with mild illness from COVID-19 can isolate at home during their illness. Do not go to work, school or daycare.
- Contact your physician or the facility where you receive medical care.
- Monitor your symptoms. Seek prompt medical attention if your illness worsens (for example, you have difficulty breathing).
- Call ahead before visiting a doctor. Call your provider and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19. This will help prevent other people at the provider’s office from getting infected or exposed.
- Separate yourself from other people and animals in your home. As much as possible, stay in a specific room and away from others in your home. Also use a separate bathroom, if available.
- Wear a facemask when you are around other people or pets and before entering your health care provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask, people who live with you should not stay in the same room with you or should wear a facemask if they enter your room.
- Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw away used tissues in a lined trash can. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.
- Clean your hands often. You can use soap and water or, if not available, a hand rub containing alcohol.
- Avoid sharing personal household items like dishes, drinking glasses, eating utensils, towels or bedding with other people or pets in your home. After using, they should be washed thoroughly w/ soap & water.
- Clean all “high-touch” surfaces every day. These include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables. Also clean any surfaces with blood, stool or body fluids on them. Use a household cleaning spray or wipe.
- will need to have fever, cough, and shortness of breath AND a negative flu test, OR
- have come in close contact with someone positive for COVID-19 AND be presently exhibiting symptoms before they could be eligible for COVID-19 testing.
- If the individual tests negative, they should follow the protocol for returning to work once they are symptom and fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
- If the individual tests positive, they will be under 14 day isolation and receive twice daily calls from RCPH to monitor their symptoms. After 14 days from positive test result, they will need 2 subsequent negative COVID-19 tests AND should be fever and symptom free for 24 hours before they may be permitted to return to work.
- Absent (partial or full-day) due to having COVID-19 symptoms;
- Absent (partial or full day) due to exposure to or caring for a family member with COVID-19 symptoms;
- Isolation or quarantine due to actual or potential COVID-19 exposure.
Threat level Escalation
On-Going Communication
Know where to find information on COVID-19 and local trends
a. This action is assigned to Asheboro Safety Manager and HR leadership for Asheboro and Healthcare who will publish frequently updated information. Site Safety Managers are responsible for ensuring this information is readily accessible for all U.S. employees. The CLT is responsible for getting U.S. published information to the Global sites to aid their efforts.
b. Each facility is responsible for professionally posting guidelines approved by the CDC for proper virus prevention at entrances, employee breakrooms, and restroom areas; also, for ensuring that daily updated communication are posted and updated in a timely manner. Establishing plant communication protocols are the responsibility of Plant HR Rep.
When a TM facility has experienced cases of the virus in that facility or within an employee’s home. WE WILL ADD THE FOLLOWING STEPS:
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are provided to answer a number of questions Technimark employees may have regarding the coronavirus and its impact on their work. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), as well as state and local health officials have resources available regarding the coronavirus from a medical and health standpoint and you can obtain additional information from those resources, including the identification of high-risk travel areas.
If you believe you have been diagnosed with or exposed to coronavirus, or have symptoms associated with coronavirus, you should follow CDC and state/local health official guidance and contact your human resources representative right away.
If you are an Asheboro Technimark employee, the Randolph County Public Health Department has established a Coronavirus Hotline that is available Monday-Friday from 8AM to 5PM. The number is 336-318-6227.
Am I at risk for COVID-19 from a package shipped from China?
There is still a lot that is unknown about the newly emerged COVID-19 and how it spreads. Two other coronaviruses have emerged previously to cause severe illness in people (MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV). The virus that causes COVID-19 is more genetically related to SARS-CoV than MERS-CoV, but both are betacoronaviruses with their origins in bats. While we don’t know for sure that this virus will behave the same way as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, we can use the information gained from both of these earlier coronaviruses to guide us. In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures. Coronaviruses are generally thought to be spread most often by respiratory droplets. Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods. Information will be provided on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) website as it becomes available.
Should I wear a facemask for protection from COVID-19?
CDC does not recommend that people who are well wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19. You should only wear a mask if a healthcare professional recommends it. A facemask should be used by people who have COVID-19 and are showing symptoms. This is to protect others from the risk of getting infected. The use of facemasks also is crucial for health workers and other people who are taking care of someone infected with COVID-19 in close settings (at home or in a health care facility). How long someone is actively sick can vary so the decision on when to release someone from isolation is made on a case-by-case basis in consultation with doctors, infection prevention and control experts, and public health officials and involves considering specifics of each situation including disease severity, illness signs and symptoms, and results of laboratory testing for that patient.
Can a person test negative and then later test positive for COVID-19?
For COVID-19, a negative test result for a sample collected while a person has symptoms likely means that the COVID-19 virus is not causing their current illness.
When are people released who have been isolated due to COVID-19? (New info 3-25-2020)
Should I avoid contact with pets or other animals if I have COVID-19?
You should restrict contact with pets and other animals while you are sick with COVID-19, just like you would around other people. Although there have not been reports of pets or other animals becoming sick with COVID-19, it is still recommended that people sick with COVID-19 limit contact with animals until more information is known about the virus. When possible, have another member of your household care for your animals while you are sick. If you are sick with COVID-19, avoid contact with your pet, including petting, snuggling, being kissed or licked, and sharing food. If you must care for your pet or be around animals while you are sick, wash your hands before and after you interact with pets and wear a facemask.
What is the severity of the COVID-19 illness once contracted?
The complete clinical picture with regard to COVID-19 is not fully known. Reported illnesses have ranged from very mild (including some with no reported symptoms) to severe, including illness resulting in death. While information so far suggests that most COVID-19 illness is mild, a report out of China suggests serious illness occurs in 16% of cases. Older people and people of all ages with severe chronic medical conditions — like heart disease, lung disease and diabetes, for example — seem to be at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness.
What is COVID-19?
COVID-19 or Novel (new) Coronavirus, is a lung (respiratory) illness with symptoms similar to a cold, bronchitis or the flu. Visit the CDC to learn more about COVID-19. It was first found in China and has now spread internationally, including in the U.S. This is a new type of coronavirus.
What is meant by “new” or “novel” coronavirus?
This is a new coronavirus that has not previously been seen in people. The virus causing COVID-19 is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among people and cause mild illness, like the common cold.
What are the symptoms of COVID-19?
1) Fever, 2) Cough, 3) Shortness of breath According to the CDC, symptoms may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 days after exposure.
How is this virus transmitted?
The virus that causes COVID-19 is spread from person to person. Someone who is actively sick with COVID-19 can spread the illness to others. The virus can spread through:
What does close contact mean?
Close contact means living in the same household as a person who is confirmed, presumed or suspected of having novel coronavirus. Examples of close contact include close conversation (within 6 feet for more than 10 minutes), hugging, kissing, sharing food or eating utensils, and other contact with respiratory secretions of a person with the virus.
Exposure to novel coronavirus (COVID-19) can happen from a person who has a confirmed case of the virus, or from living in or traveling to an area with recent local spread of the virus. The following are not considered close contact:
How contagious is COVID-19?
The virus is somewhat more contagious than the flu but much less than measles or chickenpox. The contagious period from an infected person may be anywhere from 14 to 28 days, but this has not been confirmed.
When should someone be tested for COVID-19? People should be tested if they become ill with cough with or without a fever within 14 days of travel to a region with sustained community transmission. The CDC publishes a list of these areas.
Currently testing is not recommended for the following:
Is there a vaccine for COVID-19?
At this time, there is no vaccine to protect against the illness and no medications approved to treat it. Hospitals can provide supportive care for those who are infected.
Who is at highest risk of getting COVID-19?
People most at risk of COVID-19 include those who traveled to or from outbreak-affected areas or had contact with someone with COVID-19. Those who are elderly, have underlying medical conditions, or have compromised immune systems appear to be more at risk for severe infection.
Can I make my own mask?
Commercially available masks used in medical settings have been tested and approved for protection against pathogen transmission. The use of home- or self-made masks may not provide the desired protection.
Will the flu shot prevent me from contracting COVID-19?
No. The flu shot is protection against an influenza virus not a coronavirus.
What are some tips to protect myself and my family from COVID-19?
What if I think I have COVID-19, or a family member may have the illness?
It’s important that you follow the CDC’s steps to help prevent the disease from spreading to people in your home and community:
What is “community spread”?
According to the CDC, community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected. Widespread community spread means many people in an area are or have been infected—similar to the peak of flu season in a community.
How can I prepare at home in case of community spread? Be prepared for community spread of COVID-19 just as you would for any emergency. Have a supply of nonperishable (e.g., canned) food, water and prescription medications on hand in case you would need to isolate at home for a period of time. Make sure you have one bottle of Tylenol or other fever reducers on hand. You and your family also should have a plan in place for childcare in case schools or daycare centers or closed, or in case you need to miss work due to illness or need to care for a sick family member. (Information from CDC website,
FAQs – Technimark Specific
These FAQs provide you with general guidance about when to contact Human Resources to determine whether or not you should come to work at a Technimark location, depending on your exposure to coronavirus, as well as how to initiate certain leave and benefit programs due to absence from work as a result of coronavirus exposure or diagnosis.
What if I have been diagnosed with coronavirus?
You will be subject to a quarantine period during which you will be restricted from returning to a Technimark facility for work and should immediately contact the Human Resources Department. You will be required to provide documentation confirming your diagnosis and provide a release from your doctor before returning to work. Your HR team will assist you in applying for an appropriate leave of absence.
Can I return to work after a quarantine period, whether I was diagnosed with coronavirus or not?
You should not return to a Technimark location prior to being approved and cleared by Human Resources. You should contact the Human Resources Department prior to the end of any quarantine period to discuss the return to work process and required documentation.
Will time missed due to the diagnosis of coronavirus or a quarantine be subject to points under the attendance policy?
No. Technimark will not charge attendance points for time missed due to the coronavirus situations outlined in this FAQ. You will be required to provide information to document that the absences were related to the coronavirus.
Will employees be notified if a co-worker has been quarantined due to the exposure or diagnosis of coronavirus?
Yes. Technimark will notify potentially impacted employees if a co-worker has been diagnosed with coronavirus. Technimark will not broadly disclose the identity of the quarantined employee due to confidentiality. We will however conduct as assessment with individuals who worked closely with the diagnosed employee in order to assess whether “close contact” has occurred based on CDC guidelines. If “close contact” has, then the health department and CDC have instructed that the employee potentially affected stay at home or a similar setting for 14 days. (See definition of “Close Contact” as defined by the CDC earlier in this document.)
What if I have not had direct contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 but a member of my household has within the last 14 days?
The Randolph County Public Health Department says: “…the answer should be centered around risk assessment and NOT automatically require quarantine. The virus is most contagious when patients are symptomatic, so the likelihood of spread if a person is not exhibiting the symptoms is much lower. If everyone is practicing social distancing, proper hand hygiene and routine environmental cleaning, that should be sufficient to mitigate risk. You CANNOT require that an employee quarantine themselves if they are NOT symptomatic, and if they have NOT come into direct contact with a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. Having a family member with direct exposure warrants that individual who came in direct contact with a positive case to self-quarantine for 14-days, but that does not extend to other members of the household. They should practice as much social distancing as possible from that family member and continue with standard guidelines to reduce the risk of spread. ”
Can I get checked for COVID-19?
(Answer applies to Randolph County, NC, other regions must research the local guidance to this question):
An individual:
The individual’s healthcare provider should notify the Randolph County Public Health Department (RCPH) if they decide to test for COVID-19, the RCPH would monitor the patient with calls twice daily until the test results are in.
If you don’t see the answer to your question here, please contact your HR department for further guidance. If you still have questions after contacting HR: e-mail the Leadership Team at: with your COVID-19 questions.
Next Steps for People with Possible COVID-19 Coronavirus Infection
You were identified as exhibiting one or more of the symptoms that may be associated with COVID-19 during screening at a Technimark facility. You should follow the prevention steps below.
Please seek evaluation and advice from your healthcare provider or a nearby healthcare facility. Do not resume your normal activities or routines until cleared by your local healthcare provider or local health department.
Call ahead before visiting your doctor. Before your medical appointment, call your healthcare provider and tell him or her that you have exhibited one or more symptoms associated with COVID-19. This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people from getting infected.
Stay Home. You should restrict activities outside your home, except for getting medical care. Do not go to work, school, or public areas, and do not use public transportation or taxis.
Separate yourself from other people in your home. As much as possible, you should stay in a different room from other people in your home. Also, you should use a separate bathroom if available.
Wear a facemask. You should wear a facemask when you are in the same room with other people and when you visit a healthcare provider.
Cover your coughs and sneezes. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and sneeze, or you can cough and sneeze into your sleeve. Throw used tissues into a lined trashcan, and immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Wash your hands. Wash hands often and thoroughly with soap & water for at least 20 seconds, scrubbing between fingers, under finger nails, and all sides of your hands. You can use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available & if your hands are not visibly dirty. Hand sanitizer should be rubbed until completely dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid sharing household items. You should not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, bedding, clothing or other items with other people in your home. After using these items, you should wash them thoroughly with soap and water. For cloth items, take care to not shake them prior to washing, and wash them on the warmest setting recommended by the fabric.
For Technimark employees only: Since your temperature reading or other symptoms of COVID-19 have occurred, you should self-isolate for 7 days after symptom onset AND for at least 3 days since recovery (resolution of a fever without the use of fever reducing medications and improvement in respiratory symptoms). If you have questions, please contact your facility’s HR representative. There will be a health screening and questionnaire before you are permitted re-access to a Technimark facility. Thank you for your understanding.
Returning Employee Declaration Form
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and until the time the CLT (Coronavirus Leadership Team) determines the following process is no longer necessary to protect the Technimark team, we are implementing on a temporary basis a self-declaration log that is to be completed by each employee who has been absent from work due to one or more of the following reasons before they will be admitted back into the workplace:
Download and complete the form below